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Novita - Christies Beach

Workspace, having accomplished fit outs for the Hindmarsh, Modbury North and Warradale Therapy Hubs, is pleased to collaborate once more with Novita on their brand new Southern Regional Headquarters in Christies Beach.

The opening of Novita Christies Beach in March 2023 marked a significant milestone for Novita with the purpose-built hub offers a full range of Novita services, including therapy, community, and assistive technology.

Being involved in the development of a space that highlights the most recent advancements in the industry and enables individuals with disabilities to live more self-sufficiently is a privilege.

  • Sector Office
  • Project CompletedMar, 2023
  • Photographer
    • Daniel Trimboli

By incorporating stunning Warwick fabrics that feature soothing hues of grey, green, blue, and the signature Novita purple Workspace has curated a collection of elegant furniture pieces, such as the cozy Jak 2-seater lounge, the sleek Martelle and A Series Slim Bench Stools with a polished finish, the ergonomically designed Axis Chair with a headrest, as well as the stylish Hive Ottoman and Bean Bag.